Fundamentals of Arduino Nano

Hello there good friends, I hope you all are doing great. In today’s tutorial, I am going to share fundamental information of Arduino Nano Board. I have selected this subject as it’s a most frequently used Microcontroller board because of its versatility, small size and also triviality. In addition, it’s also an ideal microcontroller board for design students to design their Final Year and also Term Projects. So allow’s look at its fundamental functions, residential properties as well as capacities:

Fundamentals of Arduino Nano

Arduino Nano is a Microcontroller board created as well as manufactured by Arduino firm.

Microcontroller used in Arduino Nano is Atmega328, which is likewise used in Arduino UNO. The only distinction is Nano has its SMD form while in UNO its in DIP form.

The operating voltage differs from 5V to 12V.

Now allow’s take a look at its fundamental attributes:

Fundamental Features of Arduino Nano

It has 22 I/O Pins in total as well as 14 of these pins are digital while the remaining 8 pins are analog.

It has 6 PWM Pins among 14 electronic pins.

Analog Pins of Nano has a resolution of 10 little bits and also its worth modifications from 0 to 1024 and also in regards to voltage it varies from 0V to 5V.

It has a crystal oscillator of 16MHz.

In order to upload code in it, we have to utilize Mini USB Pin attached on it.

It supports various methods for communication, which are:

Serial Method.

I2C Protocol.

SPI Method.

Blink memory of Nano is 32kb and this is the memory where our uploaded code is saved.

Arduino Bootloader is pre installed on this board and this bootlaoder takes 2kb of its flash memory.

SRAM memory is 2kb.

It has an EEPROM memory of 1kb.

Currently allow’s have a look at its abilities, so I am gon na look at few of its examples as well as applications.

Applications of Arduino Nano It is a most extensively utilized microcontroller board and also if I am not wrong after that it has actually changed Arduino UNO because of its small dimension. In Installed jobs, dimension matters a great deal, that’s why Nano is favored over UNO. Currently allow’s look at few of its applications:

[] Embedded Solutions.

Security Solutions.

Automation Solutions.

Medical Instruments.



Digital Truth products.

Above discussed applications are simply the idea of ice berg as we have a lot. I hope you have taken pleasure in today’s tutorial, however if you have any kind of concerns or pointers after that please ask in remarks as well as I will certainly attempt my finest to resolve them all. You ought to likewise have a look at [] Arduino Nano Pinout, if you are thinking of utilizing it in your task.